List of 7 Best Apps for Blind People (Android & iOS)

Visually impaired people face so many problems in everyday life. They depend on others for almost everything. As technology advanced, many gadgets were invented to help visually impaired people.

There are so many apps available on Google and Apple App Store that help visually impaired people in living independently at least in some small situations.

Here are some of the best apps for blind people. Some of them are free and some are paid apps, but all these apps are definitely useful for blind people.

List of 7 Best App for Visually Impaired Person:

Best Apps for Blind People

1. Lookout by Google:

Lookout by Google is one of the best apps for visually impaired people, download and try the Lookout app from Google to explore your surroundings. Google lookout is a free app available on the play store.

You can use your Smartphone’s camera to learn more about the things around you. Choose from five different modes based on the user’s activity.

Use Quick read mode to skim text when doing tasks like sorting mail, identify money quickly and reliably with currency mode. Also, scan the document to capture the page in detail text.

Android OS

Apps for Blind People

2. Audible:

Many people like reading books, even many blind people like books, hence Audiobooks are introduced. This is not only for blind people but also for the people who like to listen to the book but not to read.

An audiobook is a recording of a book that will be read out loud. This is one such popular audiobook company that is own by Amazon.

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The Audible library includes more than 2,00,000 audio programs from leading audiobook publishers, entertainers, magazine, and newspaper publishers. This has radio shows, interviews, stand-ups, and books from all genres.

Android OSiPhone iOS

Best Apps for Visually Impaired

3. TapTapSee:

TapTapSee is a mobile camera like application designed for visually impaired people. Just tap to take a photo and listen to the description.

This app uses a mobile camera and VoiceOver to take pictures or record videos to identify the objects and tell the person, the name of the identified object.

We simply need to double tap on the screen and click the photo of the object to be identified, this app will recognize the object for us. Download and try one of the simple app designed for blind people.

Android OSiPhone iOS

Android Apps for Blind Person

4. Be My Eyes:

Be My Eyes app may be considered one of the best apps for visually impaired people as this app acts as the eye to the blind person.

It is designed to help blind people with everyday tasks. This app connects the blind person through a live video connection with sighted volunteers.

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The volunteer can receive the call and help the blind person by assisting them in their works which they find hard doing alone or help them with the information they want to know.

Android OSiPhone iOS

Blind Reading App

5. Supersense:

Supersense can quickly read things and save text around you. Read any type of text and currency (money) with a single tap.

You can also easily find the best angle to read the document and have the most accurate results. Use a voice over commands to navigate the text and share it with other apps.

It is available for iOS and Android that brings some of these same features as seeing AI to Android but this one is a free and useful app.

Android OSiPhone iOS

Mobile App for Blind Person

6. MCT Money Reader:

MCT is one of the best apps among the currency recognition app for visually impaired people. We know how hard it is for a blind person in dealing with money, as people can cheat them very easily by giving a lesser amount claiming as more.

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It instantly recognizes the currency and reads out the denomination enabling visually impaired people to identify and count bills.

Android OS

Mobile Appication for Visually Impaired

7. OneStep Reader App:

Last but not least One Step Reader app is also designed for the visually impaired and the blind. This app may be of very much use for visually impaired people as this app converts printed text into a high-quality speech instantly and accurately.

We just need to click the photo of any text (maybe PDFs, papers, packages, or books) and then the app converts it into audio and reads it loudly.

One Step Reader android and iOS app are capable of reading a wide variety of documents you may use. We can also save and share those documents.

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